Halo 3 Beta Information

Woah! All this information just keeps on coming! A new Bungie update has been released today which contains two things.

  • A solid date for when the Halo 3 Beta shall be released, which is May 16th.
  • The beta is slated to last until June 6th so that's pretty awesome.

Although, what really stinks for me is that I'll be at Fanime for four or five of those days, so no beta for me. To be honest, as much as I love Halo (VERY VERY VERY MUCH) Fanime is great, and when the time comes I'll be sure to write a great report on my Fanime adventures. For those of you who don't live in California, Fanime is a world famous anime convention that takes part very close to my home.

For those who are anticipating Halo 3 as much as me, there is an all new in-depth video about the multiplayer mode of the game, and it is quite simply orgasmic. It is available to download on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so be sure to grab that as soon as humanly possible.

Published 10th April 2007 by Daniel Crocker

Daniel is the founder and head of development for the VGDb website, mobile applications, and associated social media profiles. If you notice something wrong then he's your man!