ChuChu Rocket! for Dreamcast

The first game for the Dreamcast that many of its owners played, ChuChu Rocket! is an incredibly unique puzzle game developed by Sonic Team (one of their few non-Hedgehog endeavours) that has charm practically radiating off of the disc alone. Your general goal is to help guide the titular ChuChus into rockets, so they may avoid being gobbled up by the KapuKapus stalking them at every turn, by way of laying down arrow panels on each given board that change the direction of the ChuChus that run over them.
Simple enough, but you are only allowed to place a specific number of arrow panels at any given time, meaning you have to also take advantage of the corner segments and the outer walls dotted around a given field to direct your mice to safety. Fast, frenetic, and insanely fun, ChuChu Rocket provides a hefty challenge to anyone willing to take it on.