Live ad for Prototype 2

Radical Entertainment's new game, Prototype 2, will be launched in the UK tomorrow (22nd April) with a unique advertisement in Covent Garden. Live actors playing the parts of the main game protagonist, Sergeant James Heller, and his enemy Alex Mercer will perform the advert at 9pm, making it the first over-18 live outdoor advertisement to take place in the world.

That's right - not only are they breaking boundaries by using live actors and making it an outdoor performance, it is also restricted to adults only. The game itself is rated 18, and apparently the advert will reflect the same "hard-hitting, fantasy nature" - so says the general manager of Activision's Minneapolis Business Unit EU, David Tyler. One can only speculate that this adult content will be provided by the other actors involved in the project, who will be playing Blackwatch military as well as - and this one's the one to watch out for - the Infected. Somewhere, a special effects make up artist will most likely be weeping tears of joy into their paycheck. Prototype 2 is rated for "blood and gore", "intense violence", and "strong language" - so I guess we can expect some of those to show up tomorrow.

If you are not able to make it down to Covent Garden tomorrow to see for yourself, never fear - all five glorious moments of the advertisement will be broadcast live on the Facebook page created for the first game in the series. In a display of radical usefulness, some kind soul has put a direct link to pre-order the game on the Facebook page too, just in case the advert really, really convinces you. Prototype 2 will be available on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, so you can shape-shift your way across a variety of platforms. Check out that live advertisement tomorrow and then come back and let us know what you think.

Published 21st April 2012 by Rhiannon D'Averc

Rhiannon is a professional writer specialising in a wide range of topics, in particular the world of entertainment. She is also a keen photographer, embroiderer, and all-around creative.